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A Safe Way to Text Parents and Students

Uno with a chalk board

Text messaging is by far the best way to get your message out when you need to most. School closures, weather issues, last-minute reminders, you name it! If you’re looking for a Remind alternative, Flocknote can help you continue to safely text students and parents, send emails, and much more!

Flocknote actually helps your school or church keep children safe and remain Safe Environment compliant, all while still empowering your leaders to communicate with your members using the two most powerful and effective channels today – text messaging and email!

Here’s how:

  1. Archives everything: Flocknote archives every conversation for you, whether it’s a text message or email conversation with a thousand people or a private discussion with just one person. Everything is recorded.
  2. Copy parents: Flocknote makes it easy to copy parents on any communications you’re sending to a minor. And by upgrading to Flocknote Complete, you can conveniently set parental contacts for children
  3. Protects sender’s contact info: Flocknote keeps your personal contact info (your private email address or phone number) from being revealed, preventing minors or other members from figuring it out and then starting direct communication threads outside the system directly with your private email or phone.
  4. Control access to member info: Flocknote lets You control access to who can see member contact info. You can even give certain leaders the ability to send notes to the whole group (making them a Note Admin), but without giving them the ability to see any of the personal contact info of your individual members in that group.
  5. Give multiple admins access: Flocknote allows you to give multiple teachers access to your entire archive of all your communications, replies and discussions (by simply having more than one admin for a given group…or an extra super admin of course).

Unfortunately, other tools don’t do most of these things, making it much more difficult or even impossible to use best practices for communication with youth while using them. But with Flocknote, we make it easy and do a lot of the work for you.

So make sure all your teachers and leaders know this and take advantage of the fact that with Flocknote they can still communicate directly with their people, via the most effective channels today (email and texting), while also helping to keep our children safe.

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If the thought of switching tools scares you – simply reach out to our team of Happiness Engineers and we’d be happy to show you how easy it is to make the switch, step-by-step! Email us at

Included in the Flocknote Starter package.