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As the founder of Flocknote, many have shared their wisdom and experience regarding goal setting in ministry – and how difficult it can be! Based upon the wonderful insights and best practices we’ve learned; I want to highlight 2 myths and 3 tips on that topic that I think are worth sharing.
Once you have your Big Thing (the big objective you want to achieve), then break it down into definitive actions your team can take. What concrete actions will lead to achieving your big goal? Break it down by year, then by quarter. What actions should you take this quarter (the next 3 months) to move toward your goal in a meaningful way? Without an action plan, the big goals remain wishes and dreams. Create an action plan and hold each other accountable to it. Communicate the plan to your flock, explaining how these actions will lead to the big vision everyone is excited to achieve.
None of this is rocket science, of course, but it does take time and practice to develop the habit of sticking to it. Keep trying and let us know how it goes!
– Matthew Warner
Included in the Flocknote Starter package.